Friday, February 8, 2008

Attracting the Life You Desire

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have all the luck? Good things always seem to happen to them: they are promoted at work, they succeed at every new thing they try, they have a fabulous spouse and great kids. Are some people truly luckier than others, or is there more to it than mere luck? One theory, called the Law of Attraction, claims our personal energy vibration attracts similar energy vibrations, and this attraction can help you become happier, get ahead, and even cure illness.
According to the Law of Attraction, everything vibrates at a certain frequency and magnetically attracts similar vibration frequencies. In essence, like attracts like. According to this theory, if you are angry with the world, you will attract angry people and aggravating situations; conversely, if you are at peace and happy with the world, then you will attract like-minded people and experiences. Believers insist this attraction can even help you attain your life's goals. For instance, if you desire more financial wealth, believe that you already have more money and your new frequency will attract financial gain. However, keep your thoughts positive. Thinking too much about what you don't want can change your frequency to attract exactly what you were trying to avoid.
There is evidence that ancient civilizations were aware of the magnetic power of positive vibrations. For example, Cleopatra wore a large naturally magnetic lodestone on her forehead to slow down the aging process. Author Wallace D. Wattles, in his book The Science of Getting Rich, refers to the theory as having a "…Hindu origin, and has been gradually winning its way into the thought of the western world for three hundred years. It is the foundation of all the Oriental philosophies, and those of Descartes, Spinoza, Leibnitz, Schopenhauer, Hegel and Emerson…." Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam and the ancient Babylonians also make reference in their texts to this powerful secret.
In modern society we often refer to this theory as positive thinking or self-fulfilling prophecy. And the energy and vibrations we all emit can even be used to cure illness and disease, according to believers. The method, called magnetic therapy, uses very strong magnets (a generic refrigerator magnet is about 10 gauss while magnets used in healing range from 450 gauss to 10,000 gauss) and practitioners believe the magnets can improve circulation, relieve muscle pain, and treat depression and other mental illness. Until recently, modern medicine viewed the Law of Attraction and magnetic therapy as quackery and mere placebo effect, but several key studies of their positive effects are causing many to rethink their position.
A recent study at Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel, showed that magnetic stimulation of the brain can ease severe depression. The technique, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), works on the principle that the brain can be manipulated by small electric currents because brain cells communicate with each other and pass instructions by pulses of electricity. The trick with TMS is to set up the fields over the particular area of the brain that needs retuning. After two weeks of treatment, half of the patients showed a 50 percent improvement in symptoms. Half the patients also had no need for further treatment with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), while all those who had been given a placebo treatment continued to need ECT. Researchers at Imperial College in London have used electromagnets placed over the cerebral cortex of people with incomplete spinal-cord injuries and have reported improvement in the patients' ability to move their limbs and feel sensation. Additionally, in a study at the Medical University of South Carolina, 20 depressed patients who had not been helped by medication underwent treatment for 20 minutes a day for two weeks while 10 had a magnet applied to their scalp but no treatment. In half of the 20 patients, symptoms were reduced by 50 percent, while none of the group of 10 improved.
Critics of the Law of Attraction and magnetic therapy argue that the studies cited by proponents are flawed and un-scientific, that there is no solid evidence for their effectiveness, and believe all the hype is a marketing scheme to sell books, products and movie tickets. Other skeptics raise troubling questions such as: If a child is abused, does that mean the child intended it in some way? Or, if I want to improve my relationship but my spouse doesn't, what will happen?
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