Friday, September 26, 2008

Never Lose Hope

Sit on the floor and close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing until you are absorbed in your slow breath, in and out.
Continue your breathing as you read the following passage. When you have finished, continue breathing with your eyes closed.
Remember that your soul is, in essence, happiness itself and enjoy the beautiful landscapes of your mind.
Never Lose Hope
If you have given up hope of ever being happy, cheer up. Never lose hope. Your soul is, in essence, happiness itself.
If you keep the eyes of your concentration closed, you cannot see the sun of happiness burning within your bosom; but no matter how tightly you close the eyes of your attention, the fact nevertheless remains that the happiness rays are ever trying to pierce the closed doors of your mind. Open the windows of calmness and you will find a sudden burst of the bright sun of joy within your very self.
The joyous rays of the soul may be perceived if you interiorize your attention. These perceptions may be had by training your mind to enjoy the beautiful scenery of thoughts in the invisible, intangible kingdom within you. Do not search for happiness only in beautiful clothes, clean houses, delicious dinners, soft cushions, and luxuries. These will imprison your happiness behind the bars of externality, of outwardness. Rather, in the airplane of your visualization, glide over the limitless empire of thoughts. There behold the mountain ranges of unbroken, lofty, spiritual aspirations for improving yourself and others.
Glide over the deep valleys of universal sympathy. Fly over the geysers of enthusiasm, over the Niagara Falls of perpetual wisdom, plunging down the hoary crags of your soul's peace.
If you have made up your mind to find joy within yourself, sooner or later you shall find it.
by Parahamsa Yogananda

Friday, September 19, 2008

Descending to Your Spirit Guide's Temple

Sit comfortably in a private place. Close your eyes and make sure your back is straight. Now draw your attention to your breath...
Notice the rising and falling of your rib cage. Feel any tension or anxiety leaving your body with each exhale....
Pull your breath deeper into your stomach area. Let yourself relax, starting at your toes and working your way upward, until you reach the top of your head and your entire body is relaxed... In your mind's eye, imagine yourself standing at the top of a staircase. You can see a radiant, white light shining out from below...
Visualize yourself descending the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs you find yourself inside a beautiful, sacred temple. Sitting in the center of the room is a dazzling being of light. This being invites you to sit down...
This can be any ascended master that you identify with; Jesus Christ, Kuan Yin, Buddha, or even Metatron...
Now see yourself reaching out and joining hands with this loving being. Feel this master's powerful, healing light come into your hands and pass through your body in waves. Let this light flow freely...
Feel its peaceful, healing wisdom expanding in your body, raising your consciousness. Let the essence of this pure light extend beyond your body, filling the temple around you. Then feel it stretch beyond the temple to infinity...
Finish the meditation:

Meditation by Avalon De Witt
Visit for more mediations and spiritual insight. Reprint permission granted with this footer included.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Candlelight Meditation

Imagine you are an unlit candle. Someone comes along and lights your wick and you begin to glow with orange light. Your flame grows stronger and your whole body becomes engulfed. Feel yourself giving off this warm light.
Your fire light is like the brightness of wisdom that is driving away the darkness of ignorance. You are the bright orange light. Feel yourself expanding, your light reaching out further and further until it fills your entire house...