Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Olive Oil's Bountiful Benefits

Olea europaea, also known as the olive tree, has been a source of food, wood, fuel and medicine for civilizations since approximately 3000 B.C and has become a symbol of peace and wisdom throughout the world. The oil produced from its olives is used extensively in Mediterranean diets and may be the cause of lower rates of heart disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, asthma and certain types of cancer in that region's population.
Olive oil is made from crushing and pressing olives. Extra virgin is the unrefined oil made from the first pressing and has the most delicate flavor and highest phyto-nutrient and antioxidant content. Virgin is also derived from the first pressing but has a higher acidity level than extra virgin, fewer phyto-nutrients and a less delicate flavor. Pure olive oil is a bit of a misnomer as it actually means the oil is a blend of refined and virgin olive oils.
While olive oil is rich in fat, it is primarily monounsaturated fat which is better for you than saturated fat. Scientists have determined that particles of LDL ("bad") cholesterol that contain monounsaturated fats are less likely to become oxidized and stick to artery walls, eventually forming the plaques that can lead to a heart attack or stroke. A recent study, published in the Medical Science Monitor, of 28 individuals with high cholesterol showed that, when the saturated fat was removed from their diets and replaced with olive oil, their LDL cholesterol levels dropped an average of 18 percent. Scientists believe that the polyphenolic compounds found in olive oil inhibit the adhesion of cells to the blood vessel lining, thereby preventing atherosclerosis.
The polyphenols present in olive oil are responsible for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticoagulant benefits, and may help fight osteoporosis, colon cancer, diabetes, heart disease, asthma and arthritis. The positive affect of olive oil's polyphenols on bone health are so dramatic that France's National Institute for Agricultural Research has been licensed to use them in food, supplements and herbal medicine for the prevention of osteoporosis. Postmenopausal women used in a crossover study were found to have decreased inflammation-mediated bone loss and their DNA experienced 30 percent less damage when consuming extra virgin olive oil. This is due to the antioxidants found in olive oil, which are free radical scavengers.
A recent study found that the oleic acid found in olive oil may help fight breast cancer. Oleic acid, the primary monounsaturated fatty acid present in olive oil, has been found to reduce the expression of Her-2/neu oncogene, which has been related to the aggressive growth of breast cancer. Her-2/neu levels are high in one-fifth of breast cancer cases, particularly those that are resistant to treatment. Oleic acid promotes the suicide (apoptotic) of aggressive, treatment-resistant cells. The anticoagulant properties in olive oil have beneficial effects on the endothelium, the thin layer of cells that lines every blood vessel in the body. The endothelium facilitates blood flow and regulates blood clotting and the adhesion of cells to the vessel walls (which leads to the formation of plaque). After eating a meal, the endothelium is usually impaired for hours, but scientists at Reina Sofia University Hospital in Cordoba, Spain, found that after consuming virgin olive oil its function actually improves. In addition, the amount of nitric oxide in the blood increases, which relaxes the blood vessels.
Olive oil may also be useful as a mild pain reliever. Pennsylvania biologist Dr. Gary Beauchamp found that, when he tasted high quality olive oil, the stinging sensation it left in his throat resembled the sensation caused by ibuprofen. After studying olive oil further, he discovered a compound in the oil that suppresses the body's prostaglandin system and functions like a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. He found that approximately 4 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil contains roughly the same amount of anti-inflammatory compounds, or oleocanthal, as 10 percent of the ibuprofen recommended for pain relief in adults. While this amount won't cure a headache and many diets should not include this much oil, daily consumption can prevent inflammation and provide similar benefits as long-term ibuprofen use without the risk of intestinal bleeding and kidney damage. To find out how much oleocanthal is in your olive oil, scientists suggest tasting it. The greater the sting, the greater the oleocanthal content.
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Heart Can Heal Itself

At the University College London (UCL), scientists have recently discovered that cells from the heart's outer layer can migrate into a failing organ to carry out necessary repairs. This finding highlights the power of stem cells that are readily available in each person's heart and may lead to more effective treatment of serious heart problems.
Ten years ago, a toddler with a heart that was too big and too weak was given a donor heart and her original heart left intact. Recently, her body rejected the donor heart and when the doctors opened her up, they found her heart had healed itself.
The cells that carry out these repairs are called progenitor cells and are controlled by the protein thymosin beta 4, which has already been shown to reduce muscle cell loss after a heart attack. Scientists are now researching ways to manipulate this protein to treat heart disease. Progenitor cells are similar to stem cells because they have the potential to turn into many different types of adult tissue.
In the past, it was thought that to carry out repairs on the heart, progenitor cells needed to be summoned from the bone marrow, but this study puts that theory to rest. The progenitor cells needed to repair the heart are already located within the heart tissue itself.
The UCL team found that progenitor cells under the influence of thymosin beta 4 can be stimulated to create new blood vessels. Dr. Paul Riley, the lead researcher said: "We found that, when treated with thymosin beta 4, these adult cells have as much potential as embryonic cells to create healthy heart tissue." This discovery helps to avoid the risks of immune system rejection when using stem cell transplants from another source because the cells are already located where they are needed.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Dalai Lama's Meditation

Sit quietly, calmly with eyes closed, as relaxed yet aware as you can be.
Visualize yourself on the left side of your minds eye as you would appear to yourself and others in a moment of impatience. Really see this inner vision. Watch your face, observe your body language. What does your impatient self look like?
On the right side of your minds eye, see yourself when you are very patient. What do you look like when you have a lifetime of time. As tense as you appeared on the left as your impatient self, see yourself as relaxed in your patience on the right.
Now on the left side, see yourself as you appear when you're depressed. Look carefully. How does that make you feel? Can you be aware of the aura of doom and gloom you're radiating? And then, on the right side of your minds eye, see yourself as you are when you're joyous. Merge with that happiness. Know how others would see you.
Continue seeing all the seemingly negative feelings and behaviors on the inner left-hand side of your minds eye and the opposite on the right.
On the left, see yourself as jealous and on the right as how you appear when you are truly glad for someone else's success or happiness. On the left, see the bigoted you and on the right, the all-embracing. On the left the mean, on the right the sweet. See the stupid you and the brilliant. See the clumsy and the graceful. On the left, see the unsatisfied and on the right, the contented.
Go on and on, becoming familiar with the "you" on the left and the opposite "you" on the right.
Then see the total "you" who would be there on the left if none of the characteristics of the right side were present. Now see the "you" who would be the totality of yourself with the right side only if none of the behaviors and feelings of the left side "you" had ever appeared.
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